Hiding crucial information

21 Apr

Say you walk into a store. You are browsing through racks of pants, and see a pair you like. You look for the size, and you can’t find it. You look for the price, but there is no price tag. Now, you have to consider taking this to a sales associate to have her/him look up the size and price, and find one that has both these bits of information. The problem is that this information is crucial to you making a purchase.

And then there is the bother factor. Have you ever taken an item to the cash register without a price tag? You will have to wait while a (usually slow) runner goes to find what the price is for your item. And the line will be held up.  Etc. Pain. Right?

Withholding price information is going to make sales slow and customers unhappy. Yet, online, this happens all the time. There is a conference and you are trying to find out how much it costs. You have to click on the registration button. You get an invitation to an event, and cost is never listed until you decide to register.

Why do organizations insist on hiding crucial information? Do they think by not revealing the price of the seminar/event/workshop you are going to be more enticed to sign up?

I believe that organizations need to be transparent and upfront regarding costs. If your gala costs $125 per person, tell me. If the workshop is free, tell me that too.

It is never a good idea to force your potential customers/clients/donors/supporters to ask for a price check.


One Response to “Hiding crucial information”


  1. Two different offers from one service provider « Caffeinated ideas and views on marketing communications - May 5, 2011

    […] why make the total cost so hard to find? As I wrote about a few days ago, it is a bad idea to hide crucial information.  Consumers need to make decisions with the facts in […]

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